I have always loved animals and I enjoy capturing their majesty and beauty in oils on canvas.
All my work is inspired by the light and colour in nature.
My favourite paint shop for pure pigments is found in beautiful Venice.
I love to paint.
I love painting. I travel everywhere with a sketchbook and a little box of paints. It gives me genuine pleasure to sit and watch the world with my sketchbook balanced on my lap, while I try to capture something of the essence in front of me. My sketches then inform the larger oil paintings I create in my Salisbury studio. I enjoy expressing my connection with the world through my art Whether immersed in pride of lions on a Kenyan safari or on a simple Sunday woodland walk in the UK with my husband and our dog, Mr Bumbles, my artwork celebrates nature and all her wonders.
I hope you enjoy browsing around my website and looking at the work I have created with love and care. It might remind you of a favourite place or a favourite animal.
What I do.
I create beautiful artwork with love that will do amazing things for your living space. Imagine having a work of art that you love, in your home. Every time you look at it, it brings you joy. Artwork has the power to create impact with a statement piece or it can add character and warmth to your home. My paintings combine traditional methods with a contemporary twist that will create a stylish finish to any room. I can help you find the right artwork for you. Buying art can be a magical experience.
You might have previously seen one of my framed prints which are widely available throughout the UK. This site focuses a little more on my originals, but I hope you are able to find out more about me and my work as you wander around my website.
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